Experience Code: lakehouse

World: Lake House

Description: Come have a relaxing getaway with the family and friends at this beautiful house nestled on Lake Agora. This waterfront gem is all about going with the flow, enjoying the fresh air, the view of the mountains in the distance. This house is a CAD model of a physical house in the process of being developed in real life!

Weekend at Bernies Lake House

Event Host: Ethan (Agora)

Recommended Occupancy: 50 users

Tags: digital twin house lake house lake airbnb tour real estate

Chrome and Firefox browsers only! No mobile.

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Weekend at Bernies Lake House Link: https://hub.agoraworld.io/event?roomCode=lakehouse

How to Join

  1. Download the Agora application
  2. Once installed, start the application and login/register
  3. Select the "Join Event" button and enter lakehouse in the "Room Code..." field, then click "Join now"
  4. Have fun exploring the event and interacting with other users!
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