Experience Code: atlhxujc

World: Agora Gallery

Description: Now I can show to you my Portfolio as an Art Gallery. Thanks for AGORA team!

Tony Portfolio (2022)

Event Host: Antonio Lima

Recommended Occupancy: 20 users

Tags: 3d 2D portfolio graphic design motion video artgallery

Chrome and Firefox browsers only! No mobile.

Share a link to this web page:

Tony Portfolio (2022) Link: https://hub.agoraworld.io/event?roomCode=atlhxujc

How to Join

  1. Download the Agora application
  2. Once installed, start the application and login/register
  3. Select the "Join Event" button and enter atlhxujc in the "Room Code..." field, then click "Join now"
  4. Have fun exploring the event and interacting with other users!
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